Submissions: Abstracts and Invited Paper Sessions

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts must be submitted online. The committee will decide on acceptance/rejection of abstracts approximately every two weeks. All speakers are required to REGISTER for the conference by paying the registration fee. 

Abstract submission deadline: April 10th, 2024.

[Submission closed]

Submission of Invited Paper Sessions (IPS)

Alternatively, it is possible to submit an IPS. Each IPS will be 75 minutes long and will have 3 speakers. Each speaker will have 25 minutes for their presentation including Q&A. The organizer can be a participant in the session they are organizing.

IPS must be submitted online. The committee will decide on the acceptance/rejection of IPS approximately every two weeks. All invited speakers are required to REGISTER for the conference by paying the registration fee.

IPS submission deadline: April 10th, 2024.

[Submissions closed]